
            Hi, my name is Bryce and I really like sports. My favorite college is Alabama because have a great football team. My least favorite college is Oregon state because they are bad at sports. I play three sports they are football, basketball, and baseball. My favorite sport is football. My favorite sport is football so my dream job.
            If I could have one superpower it would be super speed because I like to get places fast and I could with super speed. I could never live in haunted house I would get to many nightmares. My least favorite sibling is my brother because he is mean and likes to try to hit me. The most thing I like in a person is their personality because I like funny, kind, and athletic people.
            My dream vacation is to go to Hawaii because I like summer and it would be relaxing. If I ever get more money than I know what to do with I will donate some of it to a poor country like South Sudan. I really like to help out people that don’t have money because everyone deserves to have money even if they are not smart with it.


  1. Amazing i also like playing football and basketball and i went to Hawaii for a vacation before it is really relaxing if you go to the beach there. I have a question for you what is your favourite NBA team, my favourite is the Golden State Warriors?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. My favorite NBA team is the Utah Jazz.

    3. Hi Bryce. Thank you for sharing your story. I don't know much about football, so this is interesting. If you like to go fast, think about becoming a pilot! No speed limits. No traffic. You don't need to be super rich to help people. There are always plenty of local community services organizations who could use donations of money. They need volunteers to help them do good work as well. And you can do this now, even before you get lots of money. All the best. Ms. T


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